Racism on The Left

In the year 2016, when political spirits were running high and anyone associated with the Trump name was immediately called a racist, I developed a theory. My theory was that these people who were so desperate for Hillary Clinton to get into the White House were actually projecting.

Now, for those of you who don’t know, projection is a term, a psychological term, for someone who is so ashamed of an act that they are committing or so desperate to get attention away from the office that they are committing that they actually accuse someone else of the same act.

Some people will recognize this in the form of relationships. Your significant other will cheat on you, and accuse you of cheating on them.

It is truly one of the most common psychological hacks. Right up there with gaslighting.

So, the way my theory goes, the Democrat party and all of their followers have been racist since the beginning. They are attempting, however, to paint the Republican Party as racist. They are not doing this in an attempt to remove themselves from racism, but instead to distract from their own acts of racism.

Don’t believe me? You might, after watching Occupy ICE protesters in this past week.

I assure you, that while people on the right keep their mouth shut and obfuscate exit polls by not telling the truth about who they voted for, the left is becoming more bold in there racism, identity politics, totalitarianism, and fascism.

Little is hidden anymore. If you are not with them, you are against them.

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